Cleanroom Solutions

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WCSIPL 15 Years of Excellence

A Clean room is a place where the environment is controlled for production and manufacturing of goods. Here the airborne particles are controlled to a particular limit. Eradicating the sub-microns airborne contamination produced by people, process, facilities and equipments through a process control. The levels at which it has to be removed depends upon the standards set by the authorities.

We are Services / Solutions Provider of Cleanroom Solutions and our setup is in Pune, Maharashtra, India

Working Principle, Advantages, Disadvnatages, Application & Room Condition

ISO Class 1 with Water Cooled

 ISO Class 1 with Water Cooled

ISO Class 10 with Water Cooled

 ISO Class 10 with Water Cooled

ISO Class 100 with Water Cooled

ISO Class 100 with Water Cooled

ISO Class 1000 with Water Cooled

ISO Class 1000 with Water Cooled

ISO Class 10000 with Water Cooled

ISO Class 10000 with Water Cooled

ISO Class 100000 with Water Cooled

ISO Class 100000 with Water Cooled

ISO Class 1 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 1 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 10 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 10 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 100 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 100 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 1000 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 1000 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 10000 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 10000 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 100000 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 100000 with Air Cooled

ISO Class 1 - 100000 with Fixed and Variable Speed Compressor

ISO Class 1 - 100000 with Fixed and Variable Speed Compressor


A cleanroom classified as ISO 1 is an ultra-clean environment designed to maintain an extremely low level of airborne particles and contaminants. Cleanroom classification is based on international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO classification system categorizes cleanrooms based on the maximum allowable particle count per cubic meter for particles of specified sizes.

A cleanroom classified as ISO 2 is a controlled environment designed to maintain a very low level of airborne particles and contaminants. Cleanrooms are classified based on international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO classification system categorizes cleanrooms based on the maximum allowable particle count per cubic meter for particles of specified sizes.

A cleanroom classified as ISO 3 is a controlled environment designed to maintain a low level of airborne particles and contaminants. Cleanrooms are classified based on international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO classification system categorizes cleanrooms based on the maximum allowable particle count per cubic meter for particles of specified sizes.

A cleanroom classified as ISO 4 is a controlled environment designed to maintain a controlled level of airborne particles and contaminants. Cleanrooms are classified based on international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO classification system categorizes cleanrooms based on the maximum allowable particle count per cubic meter for particles of specified sizes.

A cleanroom classified as ISO 5 is a controlled environment designed to maintain a specified level of airborne particles and contaminants. Cleanrooms are classified based on international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO classification system categorizes cleanrooms based on the maximum allowable particle count per cubic meter for particles of specified sizes.

A cleanroom classified as ISO 6 is a controlled environment designed to maintain a specific level of airborne particles and contaminants. Cleanrooms are classified based on international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO classification system categorizes cleanrooms based on the maximum allowable particle count per cubic meter for particles of specified sizes.

A cleanroom classified as ISO 7 is a controlled environment designed to maintain a specific level of airborne particles and contaminants. Cleanrooms are classified based on international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO classification system categorizes cleanrooms based on the maximum allowable particle count per cubic meter for particles of specified sizes.

A cleanroom classified as ISO 8 is a controlled environment designed to maintain a specific level of airborne particles and contaminants. Cleanrooms are classified based on international standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO classification system categorizes cleanrooms based on the maximum allowable particle count per cubic meter for particles of specified sizes.


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