Fabrication Shops Industries
Air Movement or Skin Velocity is major Impacting factor to create comfort. We can create comfort with the help of normal fans at normal temperature by increasing Skin velocity. We can reduce number of areas power consumption with using some higher temp at Higher skin velocity. Water based cooling system is Booming in market to reduce Electricity Impact which is providing comfort with higher flow or velocity without creating large temp difference in ambient and room. This type of application will be very effective for large industrial sectors. Duct less HVAC air distribution with the help of HVLS fans. This fan also help to reduce power which is required higher in case of number of wall mounted small fans. Wall mounted fan having drawback of air movement which is only one direction so required rotation to cover more area, HVLS can continuously maintain proper air movement to all covered area. This type of fan very effective for large industrial sheds. Now a days natural ventilation design concept is more essential to avoid initial and operating cost in commercial as well as resedential building. Design of any building in such way that air movement will be happen and remove inside heat with natural draft.